Lisa Katharina
Lisa Katharina has been fascinated with biographies of artists and the visual arts her entire life. As a native New Yorker, her mother would take her to museums and special exhibits from the time she was toddler. She studied art in high school and has fallen in love many times with artists from all periods and cultures. Her influences include Matisse, Van Gogh, Francoise Gilot, Lee Krasner, Klimt, Morandi and Ito Jakuchu. She has been fortunate enough to teach school groups at The Philadelphia Museum of Art for several years.
Following a traumatic brain injury in 2014, Lisa Katharina returned to creating art to help her heal. She discovered that her lifelong passion was also an artistic talent which improved her neurological and neuro-optometric deficits. The work she created during the most difficult periods of her recovery served to distract her from the physical pain and isolation of the brain injury.
The singular focus of drawing and meditating cultivated a connection with something intuitive and creative that surpassed the physical realm. Creating art for her loved ones both calmed her injured brain and elevated her spirits.
In 2016, Lisa Katharina’s work was accepted into two juried shows at The Philadelphia Sketch Club. She has created custom art work for friends and for Living Beyond Breast Cancer, an organization close to her heart. In 2017, with much help and encouragement, a website showcasing her illustrations and designs will be launched with the hope of increasing happiness, peace, reverence for the earth and healing to the world.