Kim Jacobs
Kim Jacobs is best known as the artist of The Cobblestone Way Calendar now in it’s 29th year of publication. Over the years, Kim’s art has adorned a great variety of gift, toy, household and stationery products. It has been published as prints and in books she has written and illustrated, crafted into three dimensional decoupage images, needle-crafted, worn, and pieced into countless puzzles and enjoyed all around the world.
Kim’s paintings are inspired by Kim’s love of creation and her fascination with worlds in transformation — from soil to garden, infant to adult, blank paper to colorful composition. She has drawn inspiration from many diverse sources such as art, literature, dreams, fantasies and from her own extensive travels, blending all together to portray unique places that exist nowhere and anywhere.
“Over thirty five years of creating paintings to share with you and the ideas continue to flow,” says Kim. “I wish to share the best of the world around me and to inspire others to create beauty where-ever and however they can. I find joy and inspiration in simple things, in my gardens, in the honest companionship of animals, in wild nature and in the beautiful creations of all the cultures of the world. I blend to together bits of all of this, trying to bring to life a few new places in the world of The Cobblestone Way calendars and other products. It’s a world that’s ideal, yet one I hope I have made believable, comfortable and welcoming. If in ‘visiting’ these places, even one person experiences a bit of joy or peace, I can feel that I’ve achieved something worthwhile.”
Kim lives with her husband Bob and two cats in a cottage surrounded by gardens and powered by the sun, on one hundred and forty acres in rural Maine.