Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
As a former radiologist, Geoffrey Agrons spent his workdays interpreting “photographs” of the human interior. In time, he recognized that an unspoken aesthetic appreciation of diagnostic images was deeply entwined with the rigor of anatomic analysis, logic and problem solving. He grew interested in a different relationship with photography, one that separated an immediate emotional response from vigilant interpretation. In 2005 he acquired his first camera, and began to explore the world beyond the darkened radiology reading room.
Geoffrey’s work typically explores the uneasy coexistence between human populations and the natural world. He is intrigued by transition and impermanence, and favors material that leaves an inchoate emotional residue-that haunting suspicion that we may have forgotten something important in our inattention to the sensual realm. He has come to think of these mementos mori as melancholigraphs.