Doron David

Doron David

Doron’s artistic journey began in the simplicity of childhood sketches and has since blossomed into a profound avenue for self-expression. Now a resident of Chicago, at 52, he wields his paintbrush with the same fervor as in his youth, yet with the nuanced vision that comes from a lifetime of observation and practice. His art, a reflection of his life’s path, has grown richer with each passing year, capturing the intricate dance between experience and imagination.
As the art world ventured into the digital era, Doron seamlessly adapted, finding in digital tools a complement to his traditional painting. His living space, often scattered with the tools of his trade, serves as a testament to his adaptability, where he merges the precision of technology with the fluidity of human touch. The incorporation of AI into his work is not just an experiment but a harmonious partnership that enhances his artistic narrative. In this space where pixels meet paint, Doron’s artistry continues to evolve, embracing innovation while staying true to the core of his artistic identity.
Doron’s portfolio is a vibrant tapestry of diverse styles, each piece a unique exploration of form, color, and texture. His works defy easy categorization, inviting viewers on a visual journey that spans from the abstract to the hyper-realistic. This diversity is the hallmark of his art, a testament to an unyielding curiosity and a boundless imagination that refuses to be confined.

37 Results
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Pile of – Elephants


Pile of – Donkeys


Pile of – Dogs


Pile of – Cats


Picnic in the Garden of Harmony
