Antony Squizzato
A discharge of energy, noticeable chromatics, prominent graphic style. Welcome to the world of Squizzato
Born in 1975, Squizzato began a full-time painter career in 2013, after fifteen years of creative direction in the digital advertising. He reached the end of a system – inventiveness for brands – to finally feel the urgency of his own creation, realize a vital need to free his imagination.
As a polymorphous artist, Squizzato is a permanent seeker. A DIY free mind, in search for meaning to escape the dictatorship of instant information, to observe cynically the vision produced by a sanitized marketing world.
Squizzato uses the technology of his time, digitalized, rationalized, as well as oil techniques from the good old masters. He constantly challenges himself, not to go around in circles, while being inspired by movements that have always influenced as Cubism, Constructivism and Suprematism, Bauhaus, and lately Pop-Surrealism.
Most of his works depict a dual society of networks and loneliness, the transfiguration of identity through screens and devices.
After the year 2014 totally dedicated to workshop life, more than 100 paintings released and several exhibits with encouraging reviews, it is obvious that a new movement appears.
Squizzato evokes the end of an era, the coming expiry of unlimited growth and globalized consumption. He is portraying a world where realtime information and access to material goods are not yet enough to balance frustration and enjoyment of owning. A world that he has fed for many years.
Squizzato found no category in which to classify, and decided to establish pop-constructivism to call for a need for change, objective forms carrying universal meaning, hybridization with new media and the use of minimal, abstract or surrealist patterns to serve the unique world of the artist.
In each of his painting, one will find no sanctions or one way visions, but a call to free will, wandering imagination, and the start for discussions.